The August 24, 1959 Tri-City Herald (Pasco, WA) ran this gem by Douglass Welch.
A prominent psychologist says that the working wife probably is not as much in love with her husband as her counterpart, the non-working wife. This is because she is not as much dependent upon him for her livelihood. And her workaday tasks require her to think of her boss, her job and her own relationship to the world of business.
The fact is, the working wife is more of a realist and less a romanticist. She has less need of continual reassurances that she is loved. And the woman who earns more than her husband may love him, but in time that love tends to become the kind you lavish on an awfully nice but ineffectual relative.
See also:
For Tighter Marriage, Just Button Your Lip! (1959)