From the July 21, 1935 San Antonio Light (San Antonio, TX). Notice that this ran in the comics section of the paper...
Everything but the Paleo-Future
It is to wonder what the people of the year 23;62 A.D. will make of the exploits of Byrd over the North Pole and Lindbergh over the Atlantic.The year 2362 is 435 years hence: 435 years before 1927 Christopher Columbus was making his voyage and getting his name into history. Of Columbus' mysterious past there has been much speculation. Obscure as have been his antecedents, his deed remained glorious until now, when a French biographer, Marius Andre, comes forward with the charge that Columbus was no navigator, that he was no sailor, no captain, no hero, no conquistador -- nothing but a fraud, a profiteer, a slave dealer, a liar of no mean ability, a discoverer whose major achievements were in his imagination.All this finding is in style with the newer trends of historical research -- to tear down any glamour that any man has acquired through the centuries. Defenders of Columbus will of course rush forward to clean the smudge from the shield of their idol, but it is really unnecessary. The accomplishment of the man, which can not be effaced by any besmirching of character, make his position secure.See also:
A prominent psychologist says that the working wife probably is not as much in love with her husband as her counterpart, the non-working wife. This is because she is not as much dependent upon him for her livelihood. And her workaday tasks require her to think of her boss, her job and her own relationship to the world of business.
The fact is, the working wife is more of a realist and less a romanticist. She has less need of continual reassurances that she is loved. And the woman who earns more than her husband may love him, but in time that love tends to become the kind you lavish on an awfully nice but ineffectual relative.