The December 17, 1909 Le Grand Reporter (Le Grand, IA) ran this ad for land in Montana.
You have, an opportunity to-day to secure a farm In Montana that you will not have in two years from now. You can get 160 acres of free government homestead land for the trifling cost of the filing fees. You can get 320 acres of land free in Northern Montana under the enlarged homestead act. This land is pronounced by Professor Thomas Shaw to be the best In the Northwest. It will grow 30 bushels of Turkey Red Wheat to the acre -- from 60 to 100 bushels of oats. It will grow large crops of barley, rye and flax. It Is rich soil and only needs an intelligent farmer to make It yield enormous crops. You can not get this land two years from now, it will be taken up. You must act quickly -- as filings are being made rapidly. Most of this land lies In Montana, north of the Great Northern Railway and between the eastern boundary and the foothills of the Rocky Mountains. Much of it is in the fertile Milk River Valley, where the government is constructing one of the largest Irrigation Projects in the country.
In the Flathead Valley land is cheap.
If interested in exchanging your high priced land or your rented land for free land or low priced land, write for our "New Book on Montana, which gives full information about the conditions, and opportunities for farmers. Write to-day.