
Taxing Hides? (New York Times, 1890)

This headline from the March 20, 1890 New York Times gave me a chuckle.

Model Airplane News (July, 1939)

The cover of Model Airplane News magazine from July, 1939.


Optical Illusion (Popular Mechanics, 1964)

From the July, 1964 issue of Popular Mechanics.

Dressed As Bear, Man Almost Shot (Charleston Gazette, 1957)

Kirkpatrick said he had the "bear" in his rifle's sights when he noticed the "bear" was wearing shoes.

From the October 13, 1957 Charleston Gazette.

Hello and Welcome

While doing research for my blog Paleo-Future I will often come across old newspapers, magazines and TV commercials that aren't paleo-futuristic but still catch my eye. This is the dumping ground for that material. Enjoy.

Thanks for reading,
